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ITF Conference: Skills in a Changing World

26 June 2018,

Change is constant. Innovation is key.

How we keep pace with innovation is largely determined by the skills of our people. Workplaces, along with industry training systems, must embrace changing skills to ensure learners and workers acquire the adaptability needed to thrive in the fast-changing world of work.

- Technological changes impact on what products and services are required, how people work, and how people train

- Economic changes impact the demand for training, and the demand for training in particular sectors

- Societal changes impact the make-up of our present and future workforce

- Political changes impact what is expected of the sector, how we are funded, and where we fit in the education system.

The 2018 ITF conference is going to consider these four key themes at a global, national, regional and workplace level, providing an opportunity to discuss how we, as a sector, manage specific challenges.

Change is constant, and we need to ensure our workforce is resilient and ready to reap the benefits of whatever change is imminent. 

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